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Подтверждение бронирования и внесение депозита.

Наш бизнес открыт в Израиле и Грузии. Все цены указаны уже с учетом налогов. Во всех случаях внесение депозита означает согласие с договором, который мы отправляем онлайн через облачный сервис на подписание. Навигация для удобства (нажмите, чтобы открыть):
1) Банковский перевод и Bit внутри Израиля
2) SWIFT by IBAN ($, €)
3) ACH for the US ($)
4) SEPA for EU (€)
5) Wise (международные, ваша валюта)
6) PayPal (+3%, Любые страны, $, ₪)
7) Card2Card: WesternUnion, PaySend etc (международные, ваша валюта)

8) Тиньков (внутри России, RUB, $, €)
9) Cash (только для оставшейся суммы)

Bit и Банковский перевод внутри Израиля:

Внутри Израиля, в Шекелях, без комиссии, от мгновенно до 3х рабочих дней.

Для Bit используйте мой номер, перевод мгновенный. (потому мы предпочитаем этот вариант)
Для получения реквизитов на оплату банковским переводом напишите нам, что этот способ предпочтителен.

Важно: Банковский перевод - это не мгновенный способ и иногда такие переводы идут до 3х рабочих дней, потому мы не принимаем банковские переводы для съемок, которые планируются менее чем через неделю.

Wise (Transferwise):

Your currency, up to 3 working days.
Transferwise (Wise) it's a referral link with a discount for the first transaction if you haven't used it before.

International transfers for photoshoots:
  • Choose USD in "Recipient gets"
  • Choose the amount you need to send in USD in "Recipient gets".
  • Choose your currency.
  • If you are not registered, it takes 2-5 minutes - here is a referral link to drop the fee for your first transfer: https://wise.com/invite/u/danieln3097.
  • Provide all details you got from us for Wise transfer.
You are choosing your currency, so there will not be any extra commission, you know the amount in advance, and the exchange rate is really one of the best on Wise.
We will get a notification from Wise in ±1 hour, so it's not instant, but we can book the date directly after the notification.

SWIFT by IBAN number ($, €):

From any $ and € bank accounts in $, €. Takes up to 3 working days.
Only for payments 300+$/500+€

Important: SWIFT is not an instant method and sometimes such transfers go up to 3 business days, so we do not accept this way for shootings that are planned less than a week in advance. Also depending on your bank and amount it may block transactions by SWIFT, so it's the reason why we often use Wise for huge amount transfers from the US.

Card2Card options:

Few clicks from abroad, YOUR currency, low transaction fee, mostly instant.

We accept any Card2Card services you are familiar with, trust, and work with transfers to Georgian cards. We don't pick up cash, we accept only getting payment to the card.

Most popular we already worked with:
Transferwise (Wise) - information above.

We use it to make it easier for you in case of PayPal or Wise (Transferwise) don't work in your country.
For example for Paysend choose Georgia and USD and you will see the amount in your currency.

Important: Usually card2card is carried immediately or in a few days, but sometimes they asked to verify the transaction or block it by the bank till you pass the verification. We can't be responsible for these services working. In case of problems, you will need to connect with their support by yourself.


3% extra commission, payment in USD $.
Instant, few clicks from abroad.

It's simple and quick, but PayPal collects an extremely high service fee (6.8% for us), so we have to add 3% to the deposit amount to make it at least fairer.
We need just your mail connected with PayPal to send a request for payment.


Из России, Рубль, без комиссии, мгновенно.
/В связи с войной проверяйте возможность внесения депозита через Тиньков лично, мы берем +10% от биржевого курса в рублях/

На Тиньков возможен перевод в рублях с любой карты Российских банков. Чаще всего размер комиссии 0%, но, в зависимости от банка, может доходить до 1.5%. Для получения реквизитов напишите мне.


We accept $, €, ₪ for the rest payment. In most cases for international payments, it's the easiest way to skip all exchanges.